Gary Nash

Gary Nash

Composer, Educator, Arranger, Clarinetist


Bee Bin Bop

КомпозиторGary Nash
ИздательGary Nash
Жанр Классика / Камерная музыка
Инструменты Акустическая гитара, Стальные барабаны, Ударная установка
Состав исполнителейКвинтет
Тип нотПартитура, Партии
Тональность Соль мажор
Время звучания 3'48"
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Год создания 2006
Bee Bin Bop is the 2nd of 2 steel band pieces commissioned by the Ohio Northern Univ. Percussion Ensemble. Dr. Sarah Waters, the commissioner stated that when she lived in Vermillion, SD from 1997-2002, she learned of a dish at an Asian restaurant there named Bee Bin Bop and thought that it would make a great title for a steel band tune. Nash had already titled the first tune Woosah, which is a slow and figured that Bee Bin Bop would work as a title for the faster tempo tune. Bee Bin Bop is in a G major modality with a medium fast samba groove throughout the composition.

Дата публикации 21 июн 2013

Ноты 15.00 USD
579.4 Кб


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