Gary Nash

Gary Nash

Composer, Educator, Arranger, Clarinetist


Mixed Messages (2020) 2 clarinets in A

КомпозиторGary Nash
ИздательGary Nash
Жанр Классика / Камерная музыка
Инструменты Кларнет
Состав исполнителейДуэт
Тип нотПартитура для двух исполнителей, Партии
Тональность Ля минор
Время звучания 8'0"
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Год создания 2020
Mixed Messages was commissioned by the Driftwood Duo, Michael and Meredith Gersten, clarinet. The title is derived from the commissioner’s request that the composition should incorporate klezmer music and that of another non-Western musical art form. Nash chose gospel as the second musical form mostly because of one of his earlier compositions titled The Message (2009) marimba solo, which is based on and inspired by a pastor’s sermon. For the klezmer part, Nash listened to several klezmer songs and composed fast note melodies and motives based on that music.

The formal structure is ternary form with the A sections using the klezmer based music and the B section using gospel music. The sections are also articulated by the A section in 3 flats (A minor), B section in no flats or sharps (A major) and the A return in 3 flats, with the gospel music used at the beginning of the A return section. Nash chose A clarinets as opposed to Bb because of the darker timbre of the A clarinet and because he wanted to have that C# 3 as the lowest pitch.

Дата публикации 02 июн 2022

Ноты 12.00 USD
1.70 Мб
(29 с.)


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