Gary Nash

Gary Nash

Composer, Educator, Arranger, Clarinetist


Thriving Three

CompositorGary Nash
EditoraGary Nash
Gênero Clássico / Instrumental
Instrumentação Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Vibrafone, Bateria, Djembê
Composição paraQuinteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
chave Dó (C) menor
duração 17'0"
dificuldade Advanced
Ano de composição 2014
Nash completed Thriving Three around the time of his daughter’s 3rd birthday and the title is derived from his daughter having finished the “Terrible Two” phase of her life. Other contributing items to the title Thriving Three are that it has three movements and the collaborating percussion part uses three instruments, including drum set, vibraphone and Djembe drum. Movement 1, marked Assertively, q = 100 is a moderately fast movement with highly syncopated rhythms of eighth and 16th notes in quadruple meter and supported mostly by the drum set. Movement 2, which is approached by metric modulation with no pause from movement 1 is marked Slowly and Sweetly, q = 66. It features mostly vibraphone. Movement 3 is marked Spirited, dotted quarter note = 100. Written in 6/8 time, it is a fast and dance-like movement with highly syncopated dance-like rhythms and primarily supported by Djembe drum and drum set.

data de postagem 15 jun 2018

Sheet music file 25.00 USD
3.98 Mb
(83 p.)


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